rec rac
Recreational rackets
Is Plano Rec's policy, like all other Rec. Centers nationwide is to treat & keep tabletennis as just a silly basement recreational "game" and not treat it as a formal athletic Olympic sport ?
If yes, I totally understand their giving out plastic rackets.
If not I would suggest that they stop loaning out these basement "game" plastic rackets but only sell ITTF approved rackets (with smooth spinny inverted rubbers both sides) suitable for beginners especially children.
I was told that children destroy the rcakets if they are given proper sponge rackets. There are always lost of competitive players who will be more than happy to donate theri old rackets to Plano Rec. However I would rather see new all permanent Plano Rec members buy their own rackets so they will be more motivated to play if they hav their own racket. Temporary one day members can rent a, ITTF racket for $2 or something but these should not be available to permanent members.
Giving free plastic rackets to potential table tennis talents is a horrible policy. It is as if Plano Rec. want to puposely prevent players from discovering table tennis by insisting on keep it as a basement recerational activity. I know that is not Palno Rec.'s intent but that is how it comes out.
The most fundamental element of modern tabletnnis as compared to any other racket sport is teh extreme spins even at the lowest levels of the sport. Children need to be able to learn to generate these spins at the earliest age & spin is what gets newcomers addicted to the sport like a drug if they start enjoying it.
So it is actully sort of insulting to be giving out spinless plastic rackets to children who may not even know all this about tabletennis as a possible sport.
By giving out plastic rackets , Plano Rec. is actually preventing children from discovering table tennis as a sport.
Players need to play with the same racket to get a feel for various strokes. So giving out loaner rackets which may vary brand to brand everytime a child uses it, it is not very useful. If they buy a racket , they will be using the same racket more and this also encourages them to play more if they have their own special unique racket with unique rubbers, handle styles & even rubber colors .